Okay you guys. I'm sure all of you know what a bitch LJ has been being in these past few days. Up down, up down, kinda up and not all the way down.
The zombie event was supposed to start yesterday, and I'll be making a post to start it some time today! But FIRST, a few key points to clarify things for the tunnel people, as they will be on the front lines:
- All of the characters in the tunnels were in there for one full night and day.
- During the daylight hours they were in the tunnel, they could hear the strange noises getting louder as they went deeper into the tunnel.
- They will manage to get past some of the rusty iron gates that were security doors as they go inside.
- By the time they get to doors that were more like science department doors that needed a real key and blocked total access to the tunnel further on, the sound is loud and echoing through the tunnels.
- A GIANT boss zombie will break through the last science door.
- Everyone will run like hell \o/
- The normal zombies shamble in behind him, and the zombie invasion starts from inside the tunnels that lead from the science departments.
Since the two groups went in opposite directions, one group went towards the science labs, and the other went towards the temple. We can decide here which group went which way, or flip a coin or something. B| For those that went to the Temple, the sounds are loud, but still not as loud as for the science group.
ANYWAY, LJ willing, we'll be able to start this Zombie event!
UPDATE: Group 1 went towards the Boss/Science lab! And Group 2 went towards the temple!