The information can be found
here if you have people interested in the game.
This is now the OFFICIAL story of what has happened, and the unofficial story (the one that people have been fed to all this time)will be that the 'virus' has been around for 10 years, blah blah. Stuff that the characters already know.
and now for the cracker jack prize! )
Takes on exactly what divides universes can kinda vary, although both Star Trek and Doctor Who describe the universe having 'walls' between them. I can't recall in ST, but in DW there is an area between universes called the void, where all the dimensions exist. ANYHOO... I would suppose, as you describe the gate pulsing etc. something made it surge? Maybe it drew in some energy that gave it indigestion. |D Anyhoo, and thus malfunctioned, so in theory maybe it's power surge started poking a hole through the fabric of this universe and into others?
I recall in ST: TNG there's few times where things like warp cores etc. cause rips in space and such. |Db
And, course, now the gate is inhaling all kinds of different energies off of people. It might not be the most stable of mixtures. |Da I mean. Given some people here. Like Laharl, who in a bad ending of Disgaea 2, blows up the entire netherworld planet. 8Da
Anyhoo, that help at all? Cause generally a power cell's in sci fi are... simply that. Very powerful batteries. |D Batteries don't really on their own become dimensional travel.
Actually. Yeah. That doesn't even quite make sense. How can they expect it to get them home, when it's so erratically grabbing people from all over the place? XD;
Wouldn't they need to build some device to use the power cell to make a stable gateway to where they want to go?
And course, if they aren't sure they want to leave at all, why still want gatewalkers to be there to power their power cell?
...This was dangerous having me think about it. :( I found some plot holes.
KH world canon also has that sort of void-universe-connecting-worlds idea, though since Roxas can't portal here I've always assumed the Gate was using something very different... But we could also just leave it up to the power-sucking. However. =x
Could it be the Six aren't all agreed on whether they want to go home/whether the power cell will still work the way they want once it's charged?
Ah, yes! Thaaaaat's true. It does, huh? And similarly going through their gates, weren't they subject to being affected by 'darkness' or something? Cause in DW, going through the void causes you to have 'void stuff', as the Doctor calls it. lmao XD; It's all these dark particles floating around them.
That would make sense!
Works for me!
Then again, my brain's not on it right now, it's on OTHER PEOPLE AND LIFE FORMS! :)
I will babble a bit, but respond later? XD ♥
What I was more talking about a battery that became, essentially, something that was creating a 'gateway' or hole through dimensions accidentally.
You're reversing it now. |Da Which... can make sense. OKAY. SO.
Like. Actually this might work even better. :D Or maybe this is more what you meant originally and now my brain is putting it together better into sci-fi geek terms. ...I'm kinda a zombie myself. |D So. lol
Maybe it's like their warp/hyperspace/slipstream etc. drive? Their space travel is done by slipping in and out of another dimension (dimensions, of course, not always being in other universes. So this would be one within our space.) Like in star trek there's a quantum slipstream, which basically creates a corridor through subspace in which it travels.
Then the bomb happened, and it was being 'recharged' differently now.
And the Six crashed. They'd need their ship and drive to get them home, but the drive needs to charged and it's been slooooooooow.
And then maybe, as it was hooked up to the city's electrical, there was a power surge from a storm? And the already not in great shape drive, now started malfunctioning and because of it's nature of space travel being a dimensional drive, (A trans-dimensional flux drive? :D *makes up random technobabble word) s'why it started creating random holes through dimensions, reaching into dimensions of other universes due to it being messed up.
* from Sci-fi geek to Cookie Monster*
OKAY then. Yeah. Realizing maybe it could be used to get them home without their ship at all, maybe... they should be trying to figure out how to build something that will use their drive to actually send them where they need to go as opposed to randomly somewhere? Because it's not much good to them in it's random, malfunctioning state. |D
And since they aren't very bright, it's taking them awhile, so they could be course, also, just waiting to see if it will charge and they can repair it to be a space ship drive again.
There could be disagreement between them all on exactly what they want to do with it or can even manage?
Or something.
I'm. I should have a nap.
Go sleep. This is going to be reread and attacked sometime next week.
This basically looks just fine to describe the Gate, but I'm trying to figure out how a super duper slipstream drive thingy can get knocked out by an electrical storm. I was thinking that the Atom bomb and all that radioactivity might break it more than electricity?
But since the drive took forever to recharge to some capacity of usefulness, no one knew how damaged it was until it started sucking people without powers through the Gate. That would explain why powered people and non powered people keep getting sucked through.
Hrm... maybe they weren't using the drive when they crashed? maybe they were investigating the huge explosion on earth cause, oh hay. the lil' humans are up to something. And the radiation messed up their sensors/ship/etc. so they crashed and the crash was more what part damaged the drive, and maybe what made it more suspect able to the radiation that screwed it up even more.
Well... that explains how it went so long before sucking people here. XD It might be part it's seeking extra power, but it also might be just the instability of the drive. It's damaged and unstable, thus why it's so random in who it brings. While it tends to lock onto people with powers, as it's so unstable it just... sometimes doesn't.
Or something like that. |Da
THANK YOU FOR HUMOURING ME. Lol if I wasn't playing the Doctor I woulda been all \O_o/ but sob.
What happened was when the A-bomb hit, the ship was very close to Japan and the sudden foreign radiation that hit the ship messed with the Flux, altering it. Now instead of drawing radiation energy from stars, it started to draw energy from life forms. This could explain why the Flux now 'feeds' off of people and their super powers.
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