Jan 21, 2011 12:22
Ive joined a few communities on here in search for some like minded people who shares and holds common interest as I do. Ive tried the Question communities only to be disappointed. I see many retarded questions such as
"How many people have you slept with?"
"If my ex wants me back but he has a girlfriend..." continues on with drama.
"What color shorts will go with these black thongs?" (insert pictures)
The list of pointless questions goes on. Shows how many indecisive people there is out there. Ive decided to try and spice up the questions with some realism only to see that no one likes to either think or theyre not smart enough to comprehend the reality of things. If I want to read about personal issues, Ill read into my friends journals (which is more interesting than half the questions being posted on these communities). I choose to ask questions in these communities to find someone who can help me expand my knowledge in some areas of the human mind. I yearn to learn these new things and thats why I started a journal account to begin with but no one is mature enough to deal with issues such as abortion, politician, conspiracy theories, etc. I see many people get offended on such subjects leaving me to believe that they felt like I singled them out the crowd. I have no reasons too and I dont know some of them from a can of doggy doo but Im glad I ask these sensitive questions to most because the reactions were astonishing. Instead of asking why am I so interested in these things and allowing me to understand what I said wrong, they eagerly mob me down by calling me insensitive and cold towards the subject (THEM) like I know who they are personally. I was always told that if you feel guilty about something, youre doing something wrong. I dont feel like I said anything wrong and maybe thats why I cant understand why theyre getting so butt the fuck hurt. It just amuses me.
Now that I know LiveJournals viewers and writers are mainly kids who hasnt grown up yet. I need a more adult like setting. Ill still stick to my writing and reading but my search to find these like minded people who wouldnt mind listening to me ask these questions and they can do vice versa with no problem, is starting to really boil down on me. I feel like the kid whose sitting by herself at the playground just staring into the crowd of kids her age. They all seem so happy and innocent with all their friends, playing hop scotch or what not. I would stand alone, observing each and everyone of them individually but not talking to any of them. We dont share the same interest so going over to play with them would just make me feel weird. While theyre still learning to be kids, I was thinking way beyond my years. While they were playing freeze tags, I was wondering about the phases of the moon.
I live in a different world than most people I know. I live in my head and I want to move out now and express these thoughts to see if Im not alone.