Feb 21, 2004 15:11
aiyoo ? .. whats upp guys .. itz saturdayy ? ... yea wellsz neway ima update thisz ish from yesterday .. i went too sko0l WOW.. thaa wusz funn.. ahaa.. naww... =].. i dunn really member wouh happened loss of memory...of course.. lols.. =] .. wellsz thenn yea .. then melanie n kelly picked me upp around 6:15 to go to perth amboy for bcy.. =/ .. i though it wusz gunna suck in thaa beginin bouh it turned ouh to b pretty funn.. yea .. uhmm ... we went t0 our church to meet ppls there .. n uhmmm our instructor broughhhh wesley n then tha 3 of usz jus drove in mel's cougar.. H0LLER !! .. <33 wells yeaa then we went to thaa galaxy diner n met tim there .. yes indeedy =] .. ha .. then we gawh there roundd 7:25.. n we all intr0duced eachother or w.e yeaa .. it wusz k0ol.. then we watch`d sum kinda movie.. woooo.. it wusz gayyy .. ha ha kelly tha kid anthony tha wusz sitting next to me.. wooo.. he kept talkin t0 me lik i wusz autually listenin.. ha ha .. wells yeaa then we had summ spaghettii.. deeee FATTTTTeeeeeeeeeee girl =] .. woop.. i hadddd madddd pasta .. i met this girl kathleen she's kool.. she livez in sP.. yea then we madd thisz crazyyyy craft.. ha ha .. then we play`d basketball =] thaa wus fun.. madd ppl wus sweatin myyy sho0tin styLe .. l0L.. megan styLes x wo0p wo0p .. he he .. then we had summ ice scream =] thaa wus good .. yea .. wellsz neway as we wusz leavinn my cousin kelly walked up to thisz really really really really really geeky geeky kid thaa wusz jus jammin to sum musik.. [ prettyyy nice ch0icez of musik ] lols .. wells neway she likk touched hisz arm n wusz likk "bye" ha ha, he looked at her likk wtf? .. r u crazyy .. at first i though he wuz gay caus tha look he gav her .. bouh thaa our instructor came outside causz she wusz leavin n wusz likk "kelly" .. thaa geeky kid in there jus asked me for your number..lol.. n then my instructor .. wusz likk here _______.. blah blah blah .. [ our instructor ] gave him our priest's number..lma0.. i wusz likk rollin when i heard tha ..lol.. wells on our way home we through tha "pot" w. s0il at andreaz car ...ahaaa... n wow .. maddd guys were pullin down there wind0ws .. lol.. there wusz this wun car thaa had maybb 5 guys in ih.. n they wusz all prettyy hott ..=] bl0ndes =].. lol. they wusz likk were yuu gurls goin.. lol.. =].. i wusz likk ahaa.. damn they wusz likk 19-21..=].. he he . it wusz really funn.. we gawh sum other guys to0 .. [ well melanie n kelly ] newayz.. tee :D.. then we went backk to my house n jus chillaxed ...yea n then they left my house roundd ughh 11:45 ish ?..?? yea .. n then i went to bed .. i wusz really tired from all of tha LAUGHiN.. n today i woke upp went to soccer practice.. soo much conditioning i wusz really tirred ..=/.. we rannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn soo much . oo wellsz .. get me in better SHAPE :D .. yayyyy , yepee .. then i went to my sisterz game.. yea she won 3-0 =].. cause she RAWX ..=].. aww.. shannie-girl .. shee madd funie.. he he .. then i went 2 m0dellsz lookin for sneakuhs.. nada.. they had crapp there.. n soo im bouh to goo to tha mall now .. !! .. i needa.. wells i`ll update thisz latuh..??.. luv yaa babez ..=]