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Feb 14, 2005 19:50

hEyHeY!! well my wkn was awesome .. it was al0t of fun ..FrIdAy we had a 1/2 day n then day went by s0o0o fAst! then me morgan hannah candace brit n chelle went t0o HoOteRs f0r lunch lma0! they all have neVer bEen there b4 s0o were liek ok letS jUs g0! it wAs actuaLly reAlii go0d! n tHen wE had a gaMe @ niite. but i didnt g0 out after. i Just CamE h0me n waTchEd the Oc.. (( obseSsed )) lol n satUrday i was sup0sed t0o do sum StufF but 0fc0urse it g0t cancElleD 10 mins. b4 it wAs GaY* s0oo .. SaTurDaY NitE* my dAd g0t a lim0 n we wEnt 2 cItypLace f0r a "vaLentiNez dInnEr" @ leaguLL sSeaFo0d. it wAs yuMmy n tHen i mEt up w. Liz kaRin n cOle n ThinGs g0t mEsEsd up i d0nt kn0w exactLy wUt went d0wn .. but they g0t in tr0ubLe n had t0 leave s0 then it wAs jus me n liz n we went in the lim0 ar0udn cityplace a few times.. bEing cRazy.. haha g0od times. n then we kept meaning t0 see a m0vie .. we g0t tickets n went to see bo0geyman lol but idk we left rite wen it started.. n saw michael ther t0o.. w. s0me hoe. w.e! i dont get gUys! they r s0o0o confusing* do any 0f yOu aGrEe w. Me?! i sAw abuncH of pe0ple that i haveNt sEen in AwHilE! KrisTa;CarL;AmbEr;Chriz; KaeLa; cAndaCe; MorgAn; NicOle! n 0ther pe0ple it was tight .. n i lied beofre wen i said i w0uldnt see him at all _ we EndEd uP gOin ThErE! yAH n EverYthing wAs FinE but ThEN i f0uND OuT sTuFf thAt wuz t0ld t0o his frIenD .. cOugh CougH (( LiZ )) i waS rEaLly UpseT buT i g0t ovEr It .. Its jUsT DumB sHit!! iTz all go0d n0w .. nEwayz SunDay we wEnt n saw _hitch*_ iTs ReaLii Cute my New fAve m0vie! && wEn We g0t h0me ofc0use i h0pe all 0f yOu wAtched tHe 2 HOUR BRITNEY SPEARS INTERVIEW!! I DEFINITELY DID!! tHats My wKn .. ! t0day is *vaLentiNez dAy .. n0t my fav0rite say 0f the year but itz okay :) ill live! * iLl dr0p a n0te LatEr ..
     x0o mwAh! _JacLyn_
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