Feb 21, 2009 05:12
Well that's one problem down on my pc. Finally got WMP to work properly again. Had to uninstall/roll back the fuggin thing. That and I had to run the SFC to verify some dll files. Oddly enough a lot of these dll files are missing...the reason I'm still going through this crap is because my ethernet card is still basically blanked out. I know how on board cards can just zonk out and never last too long. But this one still shows up as if it's there. But it just doesn't want to fucking show up in the network connections menu?! Why is that? If you can see it why can't you display it? ::thinks:: as easy as it would be to rwformat it I've been really trying to figure out how to solve these problems without having to resort to that type of thinh y'know? What's the point of trying to fix my computer every once in awhile when I don't even know how to reverse the problems?
I should just find another ethernet card and just put it in there. But I'm so retardedly lazy lol.
It would be nice if I could get on live again though heh. I miss downloading demos now T_T. I also sorely miss my PS3 so fucking much...I hope that when I send it back to sony I don't have to send it back with my hard drive. And when I do get it back it doesn't recognize the drive as a new hard drive and just format the shit out of it. I need to figure out a way to transfer data from the HDD to one of my HDD's or my external...so much data will be going down the drain if that's the case.
This isn't helping that I feel completely hopeless in my math class at the moment and don't have a clue what I should be doing for homework. In tired of taking 1-2 classes at a time. I wanna fucking graduate already! I want my AAS at least! So I can get fucking cracking on my bachelor's! But I have to pass this math class. I'm gonna have to take it one way or another and it's bound to catch up with me. So why not try to nip it in the bud? Gah I seriously need to star catching up with it..
Gwahhh...::plops on bed::
Edit: spent all night until now 7:03AM to only accomplish jack shit. The only thing I fucking achieved was less sleep. Fuck.
Edit 2: after re-reading my journal entry I realized a crapload of spelling errors and a lot of it does not make any sense. And yes I know that by me writing this I could have long fixed those errors. I guess I just wanted to poke fun at this entry...