Bad news

Nov 19, 2002 23:37

Been watching the news on telly: when the hell are they going to have any good news for people?? every time its: A child got raped or an oil tanker ran aground or a one sided view on the "war on terrorism" it's a blood joke, sorry about the graphic nature of this entry, but i'm really sick of it. I don't really want to get into a RANT about the whole Iraq situation cos I might start offending people, it just seems like we get a completely one sided view, it seems like everyone is against that country. If the truth was told it's just the Americans fighting over oil, but most of the people in the states have their eyes covered by the whole Sept 11th thing, i really felt for those poor people in NY who went to work that morning and never returned and when the full extent of what happened came out i actually wept, it's the first time that anything on the news made me feel that way but how may innocent people died in Iraq due to the carpet bombing that has went on since 1991?? and what is the British governments stance?? bloody brown-nosing America, it's a fu*king joke.

Outside of the Northern Ireland situation I really don't have any other political views, but how can we turn a blind-eye to what’s going on?? I don't speak for all Americans, I know a couple and they are pretty clued into what’s going on, but alot of American people's source of information is totally one sided, and it's the same with alot of english people :-(

What is the war on terrorism?? i mean, i know for a fact that the I.R.A. have been fundraising in the U.S.A. for years and years, and that they have very high-up links in Washington and in congress, and after sept 11th there was a cover-up in congress about the I.R.A. at the highest level?!?!? What the hell is going on? I mean i'm a N.I. Republican and I support what the I.R.A. stand for (a united Ireland) but surly there cannot be one rule for one person and another rule for someone else?!?...

Anyway that's how I feel, if i've offended anyone i'm sorry, but that's how I feel... take it or leave it! :-p

Anyway on a lighter note, here is the link to the pictures taken buy Dan at gatecrasher on Sat, i think u'll agree it looks like they had a wicked time:§ion=photos&action=showphotoset&setid=589

Peace out
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