so. today i got my bravec off. or so i thought. sort of.
so i missed the first half of band campt today because i had to go to the orthodonist and get my braces taken off. i was very excited, because i wanted them off, and also cause now i can get my tongue peirced. only when the doctor checked my bottom teeth, he went "hmm. okay." in this decidedly bad way. apparently two of my bottom teeth are the teensiest bit out of alignment and he wants me to keep the bottom braces on for another month. which, in orthodontist-speak means, "i'll take them off when i feel like taking them off, bitch. get up off my back about it **zig-zag air snap**." the good news, thougth, is that you can't really see the bottom part when i smile, the the bad part, is that i'm not so confident that i can convice the peircing people that i'm 18 when i have bottom braces on. and i only have one shot at it, because i they don't believe me, i can't just go back next week and say, "it was my brithday. let's do this thang." so, my orthodonist fucked me over.
oh but band camp is fun. only i have to learn how to hoola-hoop for demonstrative peurposes. hmm. we sound okay though. and there is jeremy to laugh at. he's annoying/cute, but he gave me a glassjaw cd, so all is fair.
in other news, i cannot get in touch with alex, who was supposed to have been home monday. this worries me. i am going stir crazy, and he's basically the only person i hang out with.
just stop right there. i think we've got something here.