Woaw! I got tagged! hehe :)

Aug 10, 2007 05:43

Way to tag me
kruspefan13! lol! =)

Here are the rules...people who are tagged need to write in their own blog 7 random/interesting facts about themselves, along with these rules. Then, tag 7 people to do the same! *grins*

1. I enjoy nothing more than a great road trip...to anywhere. Seriously, I've road tripped all over the U.S. and would leave for a road trip, anywhere, at the drop of a hat!

2. I am utterly obsessed with Jason Mraz...I've seen him in concert over 20 times, as well as ACTUALLY hanging out with him for several hours TWICE, and doing other things with him which won't be named (though they aren't sexual...I WISH...LOL).

3. I am an old-ass college freshman at the age of 23, to be 24 in September, though I will technically be a sophomore when my next semester starts in 2 weeks. :)

4. My greatest weaknesses are chocolate, pizza and diet coke.

5. I was in my last relationship for a total of 4.5 years and engaged...sort of, yeah, long story, but I VERY rarely speak of it as it's no longer anything at all.

6. My favorite movie of all time is Fight Club...I honestly don't think another movie will EVER be able to top it.

7. I'm a singer, been singing all my life, and I play the guitar, though not very well...just enough chords to write my fair share of mediocre songs. lol :)

And I don't think I even know seven people to tag yet! lol...but I'll tag
sanaazzy, and
krissa27....if they'll do it...not sure...hehe...
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