Dec 26, 2005 15:04
I had a wonderful Christmas. My favorite is my new laptop that I am on. They got me wireless internet also for which I am very grateful. I also got this digital player thingy. It plays music, has games, you can put pictures and ebooks on it too. I currently have the 6th Harry Potter on there. Yes I am a dork. They are only 130$ at frys if anybody would like one, they are really neat. Matt got me burnout revenge. It is an awesome game. When I actually drive I am going to want to run into people the whole time. Went to baybrook today to get my grandmothers chistmas present and mikey got some makeup. I also got a really cute eyebrow ring. I lost my other 4. lol. I saw kristen heather and evelyn there. Went to Foley's with them. We thought we were leaving after that, but ended up going a few other places. If anybody is having a new years party, I would like to go, so please let me know. I got a myspace thingy but am confused as to how it works, so if maybe you guys can invite me as a friend it would be helpful. I am going to hitchcock soon and have to go eat. Hope everybody had a merry christmas.