i'm considering making this journal friends only

Jul 10, 2006 01:28

mostly cause I want to be able to talk about work a little more freely than I would feel comfortable with otherwise, and also because i'm not sure that anyone's really all that interested in my life besides my friends.

I'm also covertly working on a webpage using my newly-acquired iWeb. (yes, I finally caved and got a Mac. For those of you curious, I got the 13 inch mac book. white. its sweet.) i like iWeb as a design program so far. My only quibble with it is the same quibble I have with the whole computer at the moment. It's just not as intuitive as they say it is to someone whose been on a PC for as long as I have.
I mildly panic when I can't right click. And it doesn't occur to me to use the delete button when I want to get rid of something. In a Mac, there's often no other way to get rid of something, not even using ctrl- click (the Mac Substitute for Right Click). It's frustrating, but I am getting used to it.
The other thing that is irritating with working on a Mac now at home is that I have a PC at work. I'm forever ctrl-z - ing on the Mac and Cmd-z ing on the PC. Couldn't they just put the buttons with the same function in the same location? Also, where is my pc-equivalent delete button? I want to be able to delete from either the left side or the right side of the word. I don't like that I have to arrow over to the right in order to delete a word when my cursor is already on the left.

Tomorrow is my celiac biopsy. I'm not going in to work. I am really tired right now, but I have way too many thoughts running through my head to sleep. This weekend I have put myself on a gluten-challenge. For the first day, I didn't feel anything. Today, I am beginning to feel -- different. Both more edgy and more sluggish. I don't know if that's the gluten or something else. I just know I'm sick of getting sick. And I want it to stop.

I miss my friends from school. I miss wandering around campus in the dusk. I miss wisies food. I don't really miss DC though. I like being home, and having my home sized comfortable bed. I like not having to cook. I like my parents paying for my meals and my mother doing my laundry (even though I feel like I shouldn't let her.) I even like commuting back and forth to NY every day.

It's getting late, and this entry is getting long. The point of all this is, please, if you read my journal and you are not a) a lj user or b) my friend on lj, let me know. I want to know who you are, and perhaps figure out how to give you the information that would be in a locked post, for example.

I'm nervous about this thing tomorrow. It's good that my mother will be coming with me. I think.
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