Apr 05, 2005 00:20
Spring break seemed hella short but it ended pretty dope. The pictures are on David's camera, so I'll post them later when he uploads them. Saturday and Sunday were nuts, so lets recall what happened....
I barely got sleep, but I woke up at about 7:00AM. I decided to get my car washed at the gas station, because I didn't want to roll through HIN with a dirty ass car. Afterwards I eat breakfast and then I go pick up Jarrett and David. When we exit Calaveras to meet Harry and the rest of the crew, Jarrett sticks his head out the window to spit. The next thing we know his glasses fly out of the car in the process. Jarrett was saying "I GOTTA GO BACK AND GET THOSE MAN!" so we went back on 880 exited calaveras again pull over to the side, and suprisingly find jarrett's glasses on the side of the road. After we pick those up we head over to saratoga [ I think ] to get some moutain runs in. This was my first time on a mountain run, my car was very much tuned for it too so it was pretty fun and exciting. Suprisingly, I kept up with Franklin and Harry and their DSMS on the first run. On the second and third run though, the two other DSMs and James in his trueno went crazy. Harry did some crazy ass AWD, drift, bottle nose shit in the dirt too. After the crazy touge runs we went to Daly City to eat at L&L and then finally arrived at HIN. Thanks to James brother, we all got in for free and also got some VIP passes. So many fine models and dope ass cars were there as usual. Afterwards we chilled at Harry and James hotel. We were about to hit up some clubs but ended up not going so me David and Jarrett went home.
SUNDAY with the legendary ROOTS CREW.
On sunday I headed to the shop like I usually do. Then David hits up my cell and asks if I wanted to go to the roots concert. I had totally forgot about this and I was very willing to go. David and Jarrett pick me up and we head over to SCU and meet up with his friends Ray and Tich. After waiting in the rain for hella days, we find a golf cart and use it as shelter from the rain. Imagine about seven people all trying to fit in one golf cart to avoid the rain -that was us. When we finally got inside we crowded to the front, the first band played and they weren't that good. They also had this no rhythm al-capone OG dude as their hype man [ you had to be there to know what I'm talking about] haha that fool was hella funny. The next band after that was OK, but deep down inside I just kept thinking get the fuck off the stage I want to see the roots! At about 9:00 the roots to the stage and everything went crazy from then on. I swear, the Roots are the fucking DOPEST BAND LIVE. There's a reason why they are called the LEGENDARY ROOTS CREW, and believe me, if they havent proved to you that they are legendary with their albums, they will DEFINITLEY prove it to you live on stage. They did a whole bunch of songs from tipping point, phrenology, things fall apart etc. It was so fucking DOPE I cant stress enough. They even did songs from michael jackson, nirvana, talib, amerie EVERYTHING. They know how to get the crowd fken HYPED and going and they perfected on how to put that shit together. But I can't tell you how dope they are through this post alone, you gotta see them for yourself. There was also hella crazy shit happening during the concert, people getting dropped and straight up tossed when they crowd surfed, Girls that dance up all over you and dont give a shit [me and david werent complaining hhahaah], Jarrett going nuts haaha, girls blazing right in front of us, a near fight between Asian girls and white girls, allll that shit. Afterwards we went to Denny's to eat and David and Ray told some fuckin crazy stories about high school and their crazy ass class. Overall, that night was fucking DOPE.
Alright thats all for now, I'll post pics up later.