Dec 31, 2004 01:38
**thanks to peter for the music, new song to add to my list
i know i just wrote an entry but i was just looking at a bigzillion old entries and i realized whatta depressed loser i've been, and then i remembered that i haven't made any 2005 new years resolutions yet, so my first one is to X that whole thing, i don't need to feel sorry for myself any more, and plus it's nicer when i'm upbeat and happy =)
i hafta thing of more resolutions... i'm so behind!
i can't wait to see everyone tomorrow night, and i'm glad that i'm spending it with pretty much the same people i spent it with last year... a few changes but all for the better i hope and i'm not gonna waste my time thinking about it. i can't wait to catch up w/ everyone and start some new memories for the new year -- 2004 was amazing, so many ups and laughs and great memories, and then there were a few downs... a lot of changes.. and i can't wait to see what 2005 brings me. and it would be an honor to start off the new year the same way i did last year, me and em holding ice packs on our head/eye, laughing about it with some very cool people/amazing friends, then again, i'm always open for a change now =)
are you ready for the new year?
this time tomorrow, you better be ;-), i know i am
As Always, Michelle
arite. now someone tell me how to put the damn pics on lol