Jan 10, 2005 18:17
>>integrated math.........bitch
>>psychology..............fucking awesome class
>>A lunch.................fun stuff, fun ppl
>>computer graphics 2.....some same ppl from last quarter, good times
>>french 4................@#%)(*%)(*@%)(@*#&%)(#@*%& ENOUGH SAID
today suked big time.
::argh:: i hate this school!
could've sworn i got use to it by now. GUESS NOT
oh well
suk it up
cant do shit about it now
cuneo we better room together at fau
otherwise i'm going to cry
cuz if we at least dont get to live together the first year of college.
fuck that then we're taking the year off and taking a road trip.
i already told juan about it
so save up
we're going to a bunch of places. east coast west coast north south southwest northeast everywhere! lol.
hello?!?!?! anyone out there?!?! get me out of here!!!! i'm closterphobic! help!