
What have I been up to

Jun 03, 2016 15:55

I fell off the wagon a year ago when I went to play a larp in Poland. I rather got sucked back in after that. Misery is a drug like any other and I have a problem with catharsis. I think it was probably a way of coming to terms with my father's death; controlled grieving. I've played two more games in Poland, one in Denmark, one in Norway.

As well as a fair amount of crying in corners this has also informed and enabled my research. I've completed the first two phases of my PhD, including a 'first year viva' where two academics unconnected with my research project read my work to date and gave me some critical feedback. I am told I passed that. The next gateway is in 18 months.

I have four more games booked so far. One in Poland, one in Italy, two in the UK. I'm also writing my own games. This is a part of the practice based element of my research. These games are designed to test or prove aspects of my theory. It's fascinating, it stretches my mind. It gives me pleasure.

My relationship with music is still very broken. A delayed reaction to being so artfully pushed out of the London Alternative scene where I lived for most of my life. However I am listening to music as I type this, so perhaps all is not lost. Perhaps.

Anyway, my plan is to write more. And in order to write more one must write. Hello LiveJournal, my old friend. It's June 2016, I'm 46 years old. I have new scars, a bit too much of a debt, more muscles than the last time we spoke in anger, but, at last, some new stories to tell.

So where, I wonder, shall we begin?
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