Dec 28, 2015 07:05
So that was the first Christmas without my father. It went well. It was difficult, of course, but we don't talk about the difficult times. There was no empty chair, no toast to absent friends, no tears.
On boxing day my best friend Helen came over with her family and we had another lovely lunch. Helen brought back "Jim" the knitted dog I was given on my second or third birthday that she had repaired. I gave him a massive hug. Then Josh gave him a massive hug too. It was this moment, of having come full circle, that triggered the tears.
Since my blackberry stopped working (long story) and my job stopped working I have not made the time to write here. Which is ridiculous as it has always been one of my favourite things to do. So I thought I would write a few sentences today, and maybe a few more tomorrow, and see how it goes.