Aug 23, 2014 08:29
There is still too much difficult stuff going on for me to be able to write about. I have sat down a few times to try and am overwhelmed by it all. The written word makes things true. It is strange that I could write about it if it were fiction, but not this way. I tried to write it as though it were fiction; it was still too much.
Much of my life has been survival mode for the last few months. I've been planning no more than one day ahead, snatching sleep and exercise where I can and mainly holding it together. When anyone has asked me how things are, I have always replied "Ups and downs." A simple truth that hides so much detail. Made one day of Odyssey, no days of Loncon.
So, let me talk about a few of the ups. First and foremost, I have a new job. I'm waiting for the contract to turn up before I shout about it in public, but I'm going to be working for the BBC and the Arts Council. Still doing the same sort of work, but in a very different sector. I start in the middle of September.
Josh is making good progress; slow progress, perhaps, but still progress. His grasp of technology never ceases to amaze me. He's now using google to search for things! He types in the name of the thing that he is interested in[1] and navigates from there.
The prospect of a job also means that my redundancy money - such as it was - can be used for stuff around the house rather than for living expenses; I am excited by this as I am very fond of this place and enjoy the process of changing and improving it.
I also submitted a short story - I think technically flash fiction - today. That'll be the first thing for over a year now.
Went to Heist the other night with H, Kat, and a group of Larpers. It was good fun. The actors were really very good. But so were we, and we stole the painting and got out intact.
There, that'll do for the moment.
[1] This week mainly Steam Trains and Michael Rosen performing "Bear Hunt"