Jan 02, 2005 14:32
Haven't updated in a while.
Lets just say my last entry ment NOTHING...
Hmmmm... New Years Eve was very fun! I went to Brontes house with Lyssa, Sarah, and Kati... when we got there we took a whole bunch of pictures with my digital. Haha some of them are sooo messed up, I want to my a picture trial soon :D Then we played black jack and texas hold'em for a while... I lost every time!:( By that time it was like 11:59 and we all rushed to the t.v. to see the ball drop! YAY!! helllloooo 2005!! :D While everyone was by the t.v. me and the girls tried to sneak drinks! They all made it out of the kitchen but me and I got caught :( Then she caught everyone else and we had this hugeee lecture about why we shouldn't be drinking at our age... lol. Then we just layed around and pranked ppl! Haha, hello this is hodee! :D then Sarah and lyssa left around 1-1:30. Me n Kati stayed till like 5 or 6! LMAO! omg it was so fun, by that time Mrs Cheryal was in bed and we stole sooo much boose! LMAO Bronte was seriously wasted i'm not joking! All of Blake's friends were like lauhging at the stupid things she was doing. For me I just got sick! lol my head was fucking pounding and I thought I was going to puke.. :x But I didn't drink as much as Bronte. haha not too fun :x I love bronte and kati with all my little heart :D I also love Sarah and Alyssa- I had a really awesome New Years Eve with you girls!! :)
New Years Day! My mom was pissed at me for coming home so late the night before and Mrs. Val told her about the drinking so... she picked me up and I HAD to go to my Aunts house. Omg it was so miserable I did not wan't to go at all. My mom kept like telling mu Aunt what happened the ngiht before and I was like eating everything in her house and shes like oh so you got hangover munchies. lol I guess you could say just a bit. :D I just layed on my cousins bed and played DDR and Donkey Kong! lmao omg I like cant talk today cause evertime I would get hit and die I would scream so loud! lol then we went home at like 11:00. On the way home we rented 13 going on 30! hehe I love that movie :D We didn't end up putting it in until 12:15 and my mom stayed up the whole time! hehe i'm so proud of her :D Then I went ot bed aroud 3:00 :D
Today I didn't get up until 1:30! I was tired... I'm grounded from the whole New Years Eve thing :/ So I think i'm just gonnna watch Napolean Dynamite and maybe sleep more. :D call me I'll prolly get extremely bored... ;)