As you guys know, I’m working on an “intense” set of icons. These are some scenes that people have suggested, but I don’t know what episode they happened in, If you want to peek under the cut and help me out, that’d be great, but beware of possible spoilers!
Emma fights Alex
Sean and Emma are making out in the ravine
Paige with the picture of Manny and Spinner
The Simpsons in the doctor’s office
Snake trying to remember where he put his laptop
Shelia shaving Snake’s head
Jimmy and Spinner fighting
Craig and Spinner fighting
Rick hitting Terri
Rick kissing Terri
Rick telling Terri he won’t drop her in PE
When Toby follows Emma
Emma kisses Rick and Toby
JT sees Craig in the locker room
Rick is pushed up against the lockers
Rick makes an “x” and Spinner, Jay, and Alex
Rick talking to Mr. Raditch
Manny looking over JT’s shoulder at Craig
Alex beating up Rick
Emma stepping in front of Rick
Emma dissing Liberty to Manny
Liberty dissing Emma
Emma and Sean breaking up
Paige breaking up with Spinner