mE and heatHer aNd la wEnt t0 the mo0vies iN camArill0 aNd wEnt anD saW zAck aNd gaRy aNd sant0s & KeViN !! it wAs suPer fuN !!
here are some pictures !!!
my heater and gare-bear !
oMg i'm sl0uchinG d0wn aNd gaRy is stAndinG on hiS tiP-t0es s0 hE lo0ks tAller tHan mE !! he's s0 effinG cUte !!
heater, gare-bear, and meeee !! that is NOT my finger !! lol it's lauren day's .... she was in a bAd mo0d !! i <33333 u laaaaaa !!
sAnt0s 0n hiS freAking ph0ne, zAck lo0king liKe hE is d0ing kArate m0ves (LoL), and the sidE of gAry's heAd . iN the bAck 0f mYYY cAr .
d0esn't hE lo0k piSsed ? haha gAry . i t0ok thAt picTure .
hahaha jEff . i think chAse to0k that pictUre .
mE aNd mY heatEr . awwEeeeE !!
chad, chase, josh, and jeff . this is a wEird picTure aNd that's all thEre iS t0 saY !! hahahaha heather ;-).
hahahah i was trying to cross my eyes . CRAZY HAWTNESS !!
ewwww . heater likes this pic so here it is . it's mEeee !!!
we b0th lo0k st0ned ... hAhaha !!
mmkAy that's iT !! c0mment !! it mAkes uS feEl speciAl !! lol. <33333 muahhhhhHh !