bean skillz

Apr 28, 2006 00:07

Lets break it down from the past week.

Weekend I had a cd explode on me in the hard drive.
Through the week on Tuesday there was a huge fight here ... completley rediculous to all extremes... but it wasn't with me... AMAZING.
It was with my idiotic parents, they acted like a pack of immature 2 year olds && fought for a good amount of time. Things got pyshical dad smashed moms hand in the washer(which is now bruised), then in retaliation my mom hit him with a thing of laundry soap, then he slapped her face, then she shoved him, them he punched her in the eye, then she threw the soap in his eyes, they shoved eacoher,,, I figured I should go split them up. So I rna in there screaming && them like "WTF ARE YOU WO IMATURE IDIOTS DOING STOPPPP" && well they didn't, so i just grbbed uhm and pulled them off eacother,&& stood between them. Gay... that's right.. they fought like two little bitches... then everything in the fucking house..






A Fan

&& not to mention I had to pick this all up if I didn't get between them && sacrafice litterally getting thrown out of the way.. My mmo wud have easily been hurt by my dad or vise versa... Maniacs
So , I called Gina, talked to gina.. laughed it over.. she told me shed just come get me to hang out && for me to just stay home, ish wut i did cause.. I mean there was no way I wanted to be anywhee but around people I totally get along with, so she pulls up, && i told my brother to answer the door, Peaked round the corner ITS SPIKE!! like wtf i SCREAMED lol && ran out the door cause... I just wanted to get out of there before everything elevated && came back on me , it was just needed to fucking leave.
So needles to say... I was appreciative she got me the fuck out of there... && then the next night ... my mom started on me over not being able to fig out how the celing fan woked.... got mad && me kicked me out the living room... && Darren has called me every single night.. So I haven't been lonley...
What a fucking crazy ass , depressing
Un meaningful weekend.
The whole thing still stresses me out because the anger is being taken out on me while I try to be the nice one, && caring one.
Tonight was fine.
School was fine.. Erica is a fuckig dork && we have a crazy uckign time in last hour.. even tho we only get caught.. "YOU GOT MAD BEAN SKILLZ!"
"i LICKED A MAN ONCE" LMAO... gr8 times...

In the times they tell you , you don't act like a adult..
You are... because in this case.. They are the children.
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