The Cooks know how to treat their band/houseguests right. The company, the location, and the feast were truly magical. As I told the gathered folks, it was impossible for me to be homesick.
omnisti does his best Happy Marty Feldman; plate of food in foreground, gorgeous Bekah in background.
Note my extremely happy and happily nomming vegan bandmates there on the right. Thanksgiving is not, in fact, just for carnivores; awesome. That's the Nefarious Princess (who turns nine tomorrow) and her eldest sister down the table--background on the nicknames in a minute.
Chuck made fire.
gingerdoss took pictures.
I ask you, who's more useful? :D
The Cooks, the food, and Solomon.
L to R: Jessi (the DQ), Brigit (the NP), and Samantha (the EBC)
The story behind the nicknames: Jessi called Brigit (the youngest) up the stairs to help clean the other day. As Brigit headed up, I overheard her say to her older sister, "O Devious Queen?" I busted up laughing, of course, and promptly put the exchange on Twitter, as we do these days. At that point, Jessi became the DQ (Devious Queen) and Brigit became the NP (Nefarious Princess). Yesterday, I realized my error, in that Samantha, the eldest, had no moniker of her own. Upon observing how the two younger sisters would rush (most of the time) to do her bidding when she but crooked an eyebrow (or sometimes delivered a kick in the pants), I named her (with the help of
vixyish via chat) the EBC (Empress of Bootcamp). I am happy to say that all three sisters (and their parents. Chuck giggled out loud) love their new titles, as well as the whole story.
Amy's live oak, our shelter.
Brigit, Tiny Goddess of Fire.
Heavens, yes.
It was a beautiful day. How many times in my life will I have the pleasure of enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with friends outdoors, on a perfect evening? I am grateful for every. single. moment. Add to the feast a new song/chant written and lots of joyful time spent hooping as well.
I'm homesick now, but I'm still happy.