Our Powers Combined

Jun 25, 2009 11:13

Last night with The Traveling Fates was fabulous.
I wasn't sure what we were walking into, to be honest.
It turns out that The Venice Cafe is in my favorite part of town, and apparently another playground for one of the mosaic artists of City Museum-- translation: gorgeous.  Add that to the fact that I got to perform with my best girls, which is always like riding a giant wave of joy, and you've got concert zen.

First set:
Where I Wait For You (Bekah lead and guitar, SJ and Ginger backing vocals)
Upon Finding Myself (Bekah lead and guitar, SJ backing vocal and guitar, Ginger keys and ProTools)
The Pixie Can't Sleep (SJ lead and guitar, Bekah and Ginger backing vocals)
The Drowning (SJ lead vocal, Ginger on doo-wop, Bekah backing vocal)
This Cocoon (Ginger lead, keys, and ProTools, Bekah backing vocal, SJ backing vocal and guitar)
Consequence (Ginger lead and keys, Bekah and SJ backing vocals)
Lady Vagabond (SJ lead and guitar, Ginger djembe and backing vocal, Bekah backing vocal)
Four Directions (Ginger lead and keys, Bekah and SJ backing vocals and djembe)

Second set (I started this one out solo, and Ginger and Bekah came back up after a few songs):
House of the Rising Sun
Don't Get My Hopes Up (the best performance yet, I think)
Ravens in the Library (SJ lead and guitar, Ginger and Bekah counterpoint and harmonies)
More To Me (Ginger lead and keys, Bekah and SJ backing vocals)
Wave (Ginger lead, keys, and ProTools, Bekah backing vocal and djembe, SJ backing vocal and sexy dancing)
Upside Down Roses (Bekah lead and guitar, Ginger djembe and backing vocal, SJ guitar and backing vocal.  Normally this is a ProTools song, but last night we rocked it acoustic, as Bekah says.  Ginger came out from behind her Yamaha and drummed in the middle, sharing my microphone.  We may be sold on doing this song the way we did last night from now on.  At least once, Bekah, still playing, leaned her head on Ginger's shoulder.  I'm told that at least half our crowd gasped and said "do it again!" So much bliss.)

Bang Bang (Bekah lead and guitar, Ginger keys and ProTools, SJ guitar and backing vocal.  I fuckin' love this song.  I rocked out again and got a high five from Bekah for the little bit of lead guitar that I snuck in.)

Third set:
Eleanor Rigby (All three singing, Ginger on keys.  Super solid this time, one of our best performances of this)
Salad of Doom (SJ lead and guitar, Ginger and Bekah on nom noms and foley - SO exquisitely silly!)
Alligator in the House (SJ lead and guitar, Ginger and Bekah on djembe and backing vocals.  The crowd was small at this point and had a couple of new (sloshed) faces in it who sweetly enjoyed themselves.  I got comparisons after the show by one said sloshed audience member to both Ween and Zappa.  o.O)
Grey's Not Easy (Bekah lead and guitar, Ginger djembe and backing vocal, SJ guitar and backing vocal.  This is the first song I ever heard Bekah sing.  I get to do a bit of lead guitar and add a spooky low third-part harmony.   Very tasty.)
Hippie Pagan People (Bekah lead and guitar, Ginger djembe and backing vocal, SJ guitar and backing vocal.  SO cute and fun.  And thankfully some of our own hippie pagan people were still there!)
My Own (Ginger lead, keys, and ProTools, Bekah backing vocal, SJ poi.  I had to spin New York Apartment Style, as the space was very tight, but I'm told it looked pretty good!  Might have had something to do with the miniskirt....)
From Love to Love (Ginger lead, keys, and ProTools, Bekah and SJ backing vocals and sexy dancing)
Goddess (SJ lead and guitar, Ginger djembe and backing vocal, Bekah backing vocal.  SO FUN.  I got a visual 'haaay' from the crowd.)
Come Down (Ginger lead, keys, and ProTools, Bekah and SJ djembe and backing vocals and wild shaman singing.  A trip as always.  I didn't feel the energy rise until the proper section this time, but rise it did.  I think last night's sheepherder vocal pyrotechnics were some of my favorite so far.  We've really found a groove with those.  So mote it be.)

The place was gorgeous, so all of us were taking gobs of pictures.  I will likely devote a wee flickr set (edit:  here it is!) to last night some time today, to start off the Traveling Fates Tour set.  omnisti did a great job getting photos of us playing in the very colorful main room, and we frolicked in the garden outside a bit--covered with mosaic and fountains and statues and Simpsons figurines and license plates...One audience member, Marcus, called the cafe and St. Louis "a cheap New Orleans."  Stephen and many others got photos and video--keep an eye on Facebook and YouTube.  There might be new TTF action out there shortly.  Folks, if you got photos and video, feel free to post them!  We love it!  Thanks so much for being there last night, whether you took pictures or not!  You guys were great.  Let's do it again on Friday at the house concert!

gingerdoss and I are now back in Stephen and Anna's basement, working on the Tricky Pixie mix of "Taglio!"  Silliness!  Wonder!  TTF FTW!

(taken at a distance through the ivy covered fence outside the cafe! THE FINGER OF FATE!)

pictures, gbmojo, recording, beautiful girls take over the world, concert, music, my amazing friends, s. j. tucker, ginger doss, traveling fates, bekah kelso, win and pie, st. louis

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