Our favorite place to play needs you, folks.
My heart hurts. But all will be well, I know it.
Betsy and I are donating CDs to the raffle/silent auction/cause.
I bet there will be some seriously awesome things in it apart from what I can give from far away.
You don't even have to miss out on any of your already-set plans. The concert goes ALL DAY.
Please, for Clint, For Sara, for all the kids who show up for the open mic, for me and for all of us who have had the blessing of giving kick-ass concerts within SoulFood's sweet walls, get over there and show your support. Do so monetarily if you can. Hell, if you can't be there, they've got the "donate" button up
right here. Please, don't let the 'tribe fade away. Let them know you love them and want them to stay.
I can't even call Clint because my phone is dead right now.
But I've emailed Sara to tell her I'm going to be a blogging fiend today.
You may do so as well if you like. Follow the link and use the poster image. Get the word out, please.
I cannot imagine a world in which I don't get to sing or hang out at SoulFood anymore when I am home in the Northwest.
So let's make sure I don't have to even imagine it.
Thanks, gang.