posted to trainsofheaven

Jun 03, 2009 02:49

How justbeastyuki_onna  and I suggested we top all of the history-making awesome we committed on this tour:  dirigible, Trans-Siberian Railroad, or TWO BOATS at the same time.
Tonight we were ON A BOAT, and a beautiful one she was.  The sun set, the moon rose, and we enriched the air of the harbor, in spite of construction noise and highway sounds.  In fact, I had more than one audience member tell me it seemed as if the creaks and moans of the ships sang along with me tonight.

The city of Palimpsest lives on in you and in us.  The tour may end but our tribe continues to grow, and I have more songs coming, of course.
It's a good thing, because tonight I had to let Casimira go for a while.  I won't have as much reason to perform her in the coming months as I have, and so we had our last dance for some time.  I will miss her.

Train family in attendance on The Peking tonight:  qotcpcf , sinboy , rosefox , and of course yuki_onna , justbeast , omnisti , and me.  We missed all of you so.  Only your presence could have made our night ON A BOAT more ON A TRAIN than it was.

Jim Freund is a class A human being, by the way.  We would not have been ON A BOAT at all without him.  Check him out on the air and online.

All of my thanks go to NYRSF, the South Street Seaport Museum, and most especially to Alfonso the Superhero for giving his time and caring attention to us.

omnisti  was wearing about six hats tonight, as is his wont, and so we didn't get any photos of the first half of the set.  If you did, I would dearly love to see them.  Girls getting all dressed up and fancy and doin' their thang ON A BOAT is worth documenting, I feel.

All sweet things end, no matter how well they are made.
We have had ourselves the finest of well-made sweet things, this trip which took us from coast to coast, and it really might take a dirigible, the Trans-Siberian Railroad, or TWO BOATS at the same time to top it.

Or perhaps, at least, s00j Con at House on the Rock, maybe in 2011.  You in?

The map upon my heart finds itself pulsing with each of yours in turn; never further away than a street, a dream.  Take care, loves.

tonight's setlist:

November reading
Mila and Oleg reading (the dead of Palimpsest)
reading (Lucia was gone)
reading (you cannot breathe but that they breathe also)


reading (Selkie & Satyr)
reading (Sigrid and Tommy)

win, quartered, music, live music, yes, on a boat, palimpsest, on a train, mermaids and sirens, the likes of piracy a girl can do

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