to all of the Ravens in the Library contributors

May 13, 2009 18:11

and also to each of you who've purchased a copy.
If anybody has anything else nice to say, please feel free to add it in comments.

Dear contributors, angels, saints, mischief-makers, miracle workers,

Dear contributors, angels, saints, mischief-makers, miracle workers,

Today marks exactly four months from my surgery.
I am well, whole, and sane, largely because of you.
I just finished a cross-country tour which I likely would not have been
able to undertake at all, without the generosity of my amazing friends and
benefactors, namely yourselves. Not only have I been surrounded by
healing energy all this time, I have been freed from the shadow of my
first terrifying grown-up debt.

At every opportunity in my live performances since I got back on the road
in late January, I have pointed out the unprecedented wonder which is the
Ravens in the Library anthology. Obviously I can't describe all of the
magic which makes up the book in my patter between songs on stage, but I
give it my best. My fans will back me up on this, I hope.

My one regret is that I cannot at this moment thank each of you in person,
let you read in my eyes what it means to me that you came to my rescue
when given the opportunity. I, small girl with guitar who runs around
singing for her friends and stealthily making a living at it, deserve all
of this magic, all of these wonders? Some would say no, but you have said
yes. The fact is that this anthology is so incredible, so unbelievable,
that I am still reminding myself here, now, in the spring, that it's real,
that I can hold it and read it, as can everyone. And so, my words of
gratitude can never be enough.

What I can do, which I hope will add up to something like 'enough' one
day, is keep singing, keep adding more interesting art to the world, just
as each of you do. Wherever I go, I can keep telling the story of how I
was once rescued not so very long ago, by an army of magicians and
avengers and artists and wordsmiths, most of whom gave of their talents in
spite of not knowing me at all. This in itself is an incredible tale, but
at the end, I can always pull the actual, tangible book from under my
bard's cloak, to prove it true.

I fail horribly at 'damsel in distress', but hopefully I won't get a
chance to practice it further.
Thank you for all that you have done.
With more gratitude than my body can hold,
S. J. Tucker
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