All my in-print albums are now downloadable on iTunes! And yes, I do get paid. It's all good. :D
couple of things that amuse me:
-the release dates are all wrong, because they use the date they got them instead of the actual release date.
-if you search for 'sj tucker' you get Sirens, Tangles, Tales from the Road, and Haphazard. if you search for 's. j. tucker' you get Solace & Sorrow, For the Girl in the Garden, and Blessings.
and in realtime,
omnisti and I got to go and see Spiderwick, at last! I get a visit with one of my best college friends who I haven't seen in two years tomorrow afternoon. In just a few minutes, I'm going to head downtown again--but this time, to see other friends play in bars, and not to do it myself. :D