Aug 09, 2018 01:44
It's finally a bearable evening after having a really long streak of warm weather. Well, the weather is still warm, but at least now it's kinda bearable. My floor-to-ceiling glass walls may look pretty, but they've turned my apartment into an oven.
Anyway, for some reason, I've got some time to listen to some music and chill past 1am. And I'm a late passenger on the Charlie Puth train. I mean, I've heard his songs on the radio, but I've never really placed them, and now I see that he's easy on the eyes and the melodies are kinda catchy. Lyrics kinda reveal someone that's all over the place, but it still sounds great. He's on his way to becoming a male Taylor Swift if he isn't already.
Work has been going well, I got a new boss in the past few months, so that means that I got to participate in the formal ceremonies dealing with his accreditation. Was kinda cool. I can also finally converse in French without completely sounding like I'm fresh off the boat anymore. I still can't debate philosophy in it, though, which is no biggie, as I've had no love for French philosophers anyway; but I can do more than go on dates.
Speaking of dating, I have some updates on that front. For the past nine months or so, I've been seeing the most adorable guy. And he's kinda perfect, if that's possible. Nine months later, and I'm still weak in the knees when I think of him. God knows I kissed a lot of frogs to land this one. It's at this point that we're doing all the introductions to friends and family. His sister is a dear, and I just recently met his parents. I hope I made a good impression. He's already met my brother and sister, and he is just totally amazing with my nephew and nieces. Next up is the barkada, and I know that they will just adore him.
I've been here in the continent for more than four years now, and I guess I've grown a lot. I've learned a lot about love and life, and I hope that I'm at least a little wiser. I've got less than two years to go before I head back home, so I at least have to think a little about my future beyond the next work issue that needs to be dealt with. Just a little. I'm gonna spend a little more time enjoying this nice little town that has somehow shaped me in ways I cannot describe.