Is it really happening?
Is it truly real?
I dunno, it kinda hasn't hit me yet that I'm leaving the country yet again.
And that I'll be back in six years.
I have one last week here in Manila, and while I have been running around doing the preparations, it hasn't sunk in that I'm not gonna be sleeping in my bed for six whole years.
I was told I was going to miss the sun. Europe is rainy and grey, they say. Europe has miserable weather, they say. At this point, though, everyone in Manila can agree that we all need a little less sun in our lives.
My guy will be staying here for a little while longer before he flies off, hopefully to the same continent as me. We'll see how that works out.
People ask me if I'm excited. Excitement is hardly the term I'd use. I had been waiting for my deployment for five years now. It was my choice to go to grad school, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. But coming home from grad school and realizing that most of my batchmates went on their deployments and left me and a handful of others behind wasn't a very nice feeling. But we enjoyed our time here. We called ourselves the 'lataks' and we went on fabulous trips and lunches.
To think, six months ago, I was dying to leave, and I was suffering the internal violence that occurs when you don't know where you're going. I wasn't choosing a place as I was waiting for the other lataks to get their papers. First-in-first-out honor, I suppose. In the end, I'm kinda glad that I got mine by chance. The heads up that I was going to Europe was the best birthday gift ever.
I guess my feeling is one of exhaustion. It feels like I've gone through forever just to get here, and this is just the start.
Though, I guess I should take the time to enjoy this new phase. So let's play some Robert Delong and get excited :)
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