Art In The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction (repro) (2009)

Apr 28, 2009 08:18

Art In The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction (repro) (2009), originally uploaded by rzrxtion (pronounced resurrection).
i first heard the phrase (a reference to a work by Walter Benjamin) either in a documentary or an advert on Ovation TV
i liked the sound of it and wanted to use it as a title for something; it sounded too snarky to go to waste
i definitely wanted to poke fun at/make a statement about 20th/21st century mechanical reproduction
so towards the end of 2007 i made a quick 15 second animation where it seemed like the image was being built element by element as it was exiting a photocopy machine (mechanical reproduction... get it?)
fast forward to mid 2009 and i think "why not take it to an even more absurd end and warhol it (to a point) and destroy it even more?"

high art? eh, surely not
but it is (hopefully) a fun visually oriented pun
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