Apr 05, 2005 21:50
so, to be honest, i really wasn't that upset about not getting into BGSU. i really didn't think i would get in, so i wasn't exactly crushed when the word came down.
the problem now, however, is that i have to get on with life. i have to grow up. and i am certainly not ready to do so.
here's my problem: i suck at everything except for being a student. seriously. it could, in effect, be how i describe myself. i'm a student. i'm good at school. i don't get straight A's, but i am good at being a student. i mean, hell, i've had 16 years of practice. so, now i have to go find a job for this fairly useless degree in a field that i'm really not very good at. (weird sentence structure what?) i'm really a rather mediocre director. it is usually hit or miss with my projects. basically, i'm fucked. add to that that i've never done any professional work, just in school, so my resume leaves something to be desired (though, admittedly, i've been one of the most involved theatre majors at this damn school...which is more than we can say for sucky suckerton...had to get that in there...).
so, mom says get a full time job. and i say, doing what?
commence mental breakdown...
the suggestion box is officially open...