Nov 26, 2004 15:36
So last night was a bit odd...
My uncle decided it'd be a good idea to go to Books A Million for some reason, so him, Josh, and me all piled into his truck and made our way to the mall. On the way there, my uncle popped in this mixed CD full of like all this rap by all these different rap artists, and he just started laughing his ass off and making fun of all of the songs. Apparently he had the CD made so he could pop it in when he needed a good laugh. Man, that's just funny, I don't care who you are.
So anyway, we went to Books A Million, and I saw Hannah for the first time in forever-and-a-half, and it was cooler than I thought it'd be, because I thought maybe she just didn't want to talk to me anymore, when that wasn't the case at all. So yeah, we had a cool convo, and then Patrick walked in and him and all of his straight-edge friends sat around and waited for Hannah to leave before they called me over to be asked pointless questions by Justin. Then, they left to go see National Treasure.
I've also come to the conclusion that I'm tired of being a fat, lazy ignoramous, so in addition to having begun pulling up my grades, I've taken an interest in the inner workings of Choppers, and I've decided that it might be a just a little bit awesome to learn how to work on them. Kickass. One day I'll build myself a Chopper, and everyone can eat my dust.
Also, I'm pestering my mom and dad into splitting the cost of an acoustic guitar. Me wants. My preccciouusssssssss...
So there.
Phrase of the Day: "It is a box. That is all."