Funny Funny. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Back.

Apr 17, 2006 21:42

Well heres a funny chat with Coral. And no not the sea creature sponges you stupid Newbie.
bestyoueverhad29: did u like the movie?
MaxStormer: Yeah
MaxStormer: Did u see it?
MaxStormer: Hello?
bestyoueverhad29: didnt love it
MaxStormer: So u didnt like it?
bestyoueverhad29: it was ok
MaxStormer: Eh i thought it was good
MaxStormer: Ending kinda was bad of how the "aliens" (Doll from Saw) were destroyed
bestyoueverhad29: yeah
MaxStormer: Funny how the one fell for she was a virgin
bestyoueverhad29: yeah
bestyoueverhad29: i no
bestyoueverhad29: but i gtg
MaxStormer: Well cya
bestyoueverhad29: soc stud
MaxStormer: Sorry but wha?
bestyoueverhad29: huh
MaxStormer: soc stud<---- Whats it stand for
bestyoueverhad29: social studies project
bestyoueverhad29: thats why i gtg
bestyoueverhad29: lol
bestyoueverhad29: ill ttyl
MaxStormer: Cya

wonka is dead

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