so then theres this: doesn't really surprise me... but then within that link
there's the outrageous "
anti-Japanese propaganda and protest seems to be the order of the day throughout Korea, reaching
extremely disturbing levels,
even in its schools." PART. NOW THAT JUST MAKES ME SICK. Really really sick, what are they teaching to kids? And yes it is a teaching of complete hatred, even if all of the education systems are messed up, kids can be influenced so easily. I'm just glad that I wasn't completely changed because I really actually know Chinese people who have better IQ who don't realize their own stupidity in being completely anti-Japanese.
I didn't realize there are still THIS much hatred probably because I'm so sheltered through not reading that much news while being in the more safe and peaceful Canada zone. I don't think countries or their citizens realizes this, but they always think it's the other countrie's fault, that the other country don't like them so then they direct the same hostile behavrious back. It's like the concept of revenge, it's not just a matter of who started it, if the other side continues it, it will never end. Instead of being so angry and prologing hatred, why can't they just make something better out of it? Feelings don't have to be always mutual, if one of them just stopped caring and getting so worked up, then there would be less problems. I used to really believe the saying "an eye for an eye"... but at this point? I suppose humanity need to realize that hate really is worth nothing in the end. Since there's so much spread of hate, I do believe that APH is more about bringing everyone closer while having a laugh at the stereotypes and the comedy that caused so much grief in the past and even now. The people that sees racism with this, I would only think that they are racist themselves. “When the defects of others are perceived with so much clarity, it is because one possesses them oneself” That and because of difference in interpretation, when one interpret something, it's mostly a reflection of their own thoughts. Shall I follow a more positive thinking from now on as pessimism isn't doing a good job?
International relationships really should've been better than this, I feel strangely disappointed even though it's not like I really placed so much expectations. But why wouldn't I expect all the countries to get along instead of expecting that some countries just don't get along? We would understand each other the more interactions and the more we tried, yes there will always be conflicts, but people can't keep holding onto these grudges, simply not healthy. Our world would be a better place when the times comes that all the countries can make up with each other. and form polygamy LOL.