<3 finally~

Sep 05, 2009 01:11

Finally i effing fixed my sony laptop + its internet connection sobs OTL

It took me effing two weeks or more...

And this is the story of how it stayed dead for a while

At first, it was the stupid shaw high speed internet service modem + router that doesn't work so well. Mom's desktop failed so that she took my laptop to use. Of course we had a huge fight over that (no i'd seriously kill anyone that tries to touch my sony especially since at that time i didn't even take out my "STUFF" into external harddrive yet...?)

so she hogs it for a whole weekend, and me getting pissed off that the second she finishes using it, went to make adminstrator password (the only reason i didn't make it before was cause i'm too lazy to type it everytime. no one really dared to touch my sony before)

But what happened with the administrator password is that... it doesn't let me in even though i type in the right one, it says it's the wrong one. ORZ sony, were u pissed about my posessiveness or what???? Your personality keeps getting more and more tsundere ==+ stop being so tsuntsun on me.

This kept happening no matter how much i reinstalled + tried to make administrator password, so getting annoyed about this, i went and did BIOS password on sony, which thankfully worked. So then the problem became that no matter which XP version i installed... internet refuses to work. Missing the tcp/ip protocol 4 that retarded shaw internet needs. ... You can believe i reinstalled at least 40 times with 12 different versions within these 2 weeks, may it be chinese or english. (burnt way too many iso cds/dvds for these systems)

Although the Vista version did have the tcp/ip protocol 4, internet still didn't work without the diagnose and repair system from vista whole package which meant i couldn't install a smaller version. I HATE VISTA (even the ultimate version which im using right now), IN FACT I'D RATHER HAVE NO INTERNET THAN USE THAT SYSTEM. But i need internet for this month. After this month, it's trying to get XP to work all over again orz

That being said, router still kinda dead, modem is still glitched but at least internet works with sony now. My feelings towards this laptop has kinda turned from complete possessiveness of "you belong to only me" to "i'd rather break you than let someone else fix you" to "it's ok i'll kill you completely and find another laptop to kill and be burried with you". XD And as much as i abuse the XP system and having to reformat and reinstall and put up with how XP just dies on me, i'd still rather be stuck with them forever than try to make-do with vista who does have more abilities + takes up too much space.

It's cause i keep messing with the registry and protected files system that even control panel didn't work at all for the previous time. ==+ Not compatible with vista at all, it can't take my abusing for less than an hr.

Edit : took me a whole day to get VGA control and laptop display drivers to work, retarded link core thingy... gr... at least i hope pictures are displaying ok now and not squished like before orz

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