Red X's show tomorrow....

Feb 23, 2007 16:43

Originally, we were scheduled to play at a party in Falkville. For whatever reason, the owner of the house has to go out of the town, so we can't play there. Therefore, the party is off. However, we ARE still playing somewhere. It will most likely be either at Dut's house in Hartselle OR Britt's house in Priceville. And since this is not someone's private party, we are now inviting whoever we want. Therefore, if you are reading this bulletin, you are officially invited to the world premiere show of Red X. It is going to be a very laid back performance, most likely outside. So feel free to be a lawn chair or blanket...or if standing and dancing is your cup of tea, by all means do it. And best of all....IT'S FREE!!! We really just want people to come hear us so we can get our name out there. If you would like to come tomorrow and hang out with us and hear some good, original music, then please come and invite your friends. If you want to come and need directions, just give me a call. Either 656-3437 or 796-7765. Do NOT leave a message because I will not get it in time. We would love to have anyone willing to come. And here's a heads up...we're talking about a show in about 3 weeks at the Hartselle Civic Center with another band or 2 playing with us, for a very SMALL admission. Hope to see you tomorrow night!

Landon of Red X
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