Apr 06, 2006 15:12
dude, i'm so fuckin mad. aside from me just spending a half hour trying to get my journal layout fixed so i can post (somehow, or someONE, changed all the colors of the text boxes and shit so it was all fucked up, but don't worry i changed my password, so who ever did that your beat now), but i just got home from school, and my schedual is SO fucked up.
I don't know if i mentioned it, but Brookdale decided to change the open enrollment date for the summer sessions to a week earlier to make it eaiser for kids who don't go to the school to take classes there. Fine, that's very thoughtful of Brookdale. But what Brookdale didn't really care about were the sudents who ALREADY FUCKIN GO THERE, and who are ON WAITING LISTS to get into nursing programs. Yeah, SCREW THEM, it's only 2% of thier student body right!? but that comes out to about 80 kids who now can't get into MicroBiology (me being one of them) cause the classes are full.. not to mention the HUNDREDS of other kids who wanted other science courses for whatever thier majors are.
The most FUCKED UP part of this is, that i went to my guidence councelor today to see what my options are (which are basically nil anyway), and she told me that the president of the school decided to make the change, because HIS SON was one of the outside students that wanted to enroll while he was on his spring break and home from school. The PRESIDENT OF THE SCHOOL told the board of trusties this during a meeting last week, and my councelor said she's been telling every student she can, so enough of us can complain and get the president, i dunno, in trouble i guess...i can't really see us get him fired or anything....but she said i should go to the Board of Trusties, those are the only people above the president.
Dude, it just blows, cause now i'm stuck taking this other course which i wanted to take in the fall b/c of my work schedual, and who wants to spend every saturday during the summer at school (plus mon and wensday nights 6-10pm)? The course is 100% mandatory attendance too, so it's just an added pressure.
my only other option is to go to another county college for the Micro - but it's just so much of an inconvience, i have to get credits transfered, and spend countless hours on the phone with schools, and admission people, GOD I'M SO FUCKING TIRED OF THIS SHIT. i should have just finished school the first time around, before Brookdale made all these changes to the ciriculim, i'd be working in a fucking hospital by now.
the only hope at this point is wait out the next week and a half before my registration date for fall, and hope the the Science Division at brookdale get me into an open seat - they said there's chance they can get me in b/c they added an extra 40 seats to the open sessions. I've made it a point to go into the office every week since this has happened pleading my case. I don't know, i'm just praying this shit works out, i can't handle all this uncertainty.
its not just school...there a lot of shit at work going haywire, plus theres the money thing cause we're trying to save, and i'm tired as shit, i haven't gotten a break in like 3 weeks, working weekends running around. i'm so fucking run down it's rediculous. The only thing i look forward to is comming home at night wait for adam to get home (which is 8pm now cause of his new job) spend our little time together, smoke a bowl and go to sleep.
i know things will work out, they always seem to work themselves out, but the time before that happends fucking blows. Oh, FYI - i got a 96% on my lab practicle, and an 84% on my exam. Go me :)
alright, i'm done venting. later O_o