Nov 13, 2011 03:03
You taught me that unless a smile is true... isn't a smile worth giving.
You smile from the heart, radiant and dazzling. Your smile lights up my screen. Your smile gives me joy.
You taught me to be strict with myself, to always push forward, to do my very best....
...and also to be understanding with others, to inspire them to do their very best.
Your "maemuki" attitude, your "makezugirai" character, your courage in giving your all even when the gamble is risky and the odds are piled against you; you give me strength, you give me courage.
You taught me that being the last one in a team doesn't mean that I'm simply allowed to follow, merely a follower...
...but that I have to be reliable, dependable, a safety net that will not let my teammates fall.
You have never given in to pressure, instead you have excelled. You have always been the one who gets your friends out of a tight pinch; the one who rises to the challenge and clinches victory for your team.
You taught me to me to be bold but never brash... take risks, but never risk others.
You are fighting on the front lines, the top star of your generation, the pioneer who tested waters and carried the banner of a new era, and for me, a very real living legend. For over 20 years, you have met all your fans' expectations, answered our demands, and though you have faced hardships and challenges, insurmountable obstacles and fiery opposition, you have never backed down; you have never stopped. Yet, for every step you take, you are so aware that it would lead back to your teammates, your friends, and you have never pushed so far, risked too much, that you might jeopardize them.
You have taught me that an image can be binding...
...but honesty, a genuine connection, can be freeing.
Rather than guard yourself with a professional public persona, you have allowed us to truly connect with you. Your thoughts, your fears, your pain, how you once felt, how you feel now - you have always been yourself, and we love you for that; for giving us the chance to know you, to get a precious glimpse of who you are, despite the cutting judgment of your critics.
You are beautiful, you are talented, a man of many faces, complex, contradictory, and very real.
We love you the way you are. I love you the way you are. I believe in the power of entertainment.
I believe in you.
You have given me so much, so for a single minute, a single hour, a single day, let me express how much I want to thank you.
Please stay the way you are, and may the new year be filled with more happiness, more blessings, and a future that blinds you with its brightness.
Happy birthday, Kimura Takuya!
Happy birthday, Captain!
artist: kimura takuya