Yet I found myself doing just that as I was waiting for this web page to load. I've done it since I was a little kid. What is it about anxious energy or nervousness that makes a person think, "hmm...biting my nails off right now can really take the edge off". Oh well...if I had fake nails I know I wouldn't be biting them off, but that costs money, and right now I am very fiscally conservative (did I use that right? : )
Something that happened this morning which I found rude...I was walking down the hall towards the restroom while a girl (I say girl b/c she looks about 12) was coming from the opposite direction walking towards the restroom as well. I yield for her to go first, smile and say hello. She gives me a half smirk like she just smelled something bad. Well, as we walk towards the restroom door, she pushes it open, then slams it shut right in front of my face! WTF??? I don't even know this girl, so I know I couldn't have offended her in any way. I wanted to throw my shoe at her : (
Nothing else really to speak of...Shane bought me tickets to go see Westside Story for my birthday at
ASF. I really enjoyed it (can't say the same for him : ) I do have to say that I like the movie better, but that's probably b/c I've seen it so many times, it's just what I prefer. But still, it was neat to see all the actors singing & dancing live. We went to dinner before the play at a Korean yummy. And they always give you so much freakin' food. We knew to expect it, and we tried to eat a lot of it. Good birthday.
I guess I'll get back to work. I'll check my friends page every once in awhile and see that it's been so long since i posted. i was starting to feel remorse about not posting more often. but alas, I actually have work I can do : P