Apr 29, 2008 11:03
The whole job thing & going back to EDS is drawing to a conclusion. Last Friday, I went and signed all my rehire/offer paperwork and went and had my drug screening. It's not the typical, pee-in-a-cup drug screen. No sir...EDS likes to cut your hair! No big deal though...all my hair is real and drug free. However, I used to ask ladies I worked with about how they did their drug screening considering their hair was like a weave and stuff. Basically, I was told that if the person cutting the hair could not find enough of the real thing underneath to cut, then the person was forced to unbraid that part of their weave or what have you until the real stuff was able to be cut. I bet that can be painful...or at least I assume it's painful from what I've seen done to the models who get weaves on America's Next Top Model. Besides the occasional hair trim, I don't do anything with my hair. I don't color it, straighten it, nothing... I'm sooo plain.
Anyway, back to what I was really talking about... Yes, it should be within the next week that I am able to put in official notice to my current employer. The time could not be any sooner either as D-Bag and Chatty Cathy have put a ban on talking to me (not sure if I've already ranted about that). I had to have another deep discussion with my manager last week about the situation and how it's affecting my ability to work here. And I literally, verbatim told my manager that I did not like working here anymore. My boss has offered to talk to them about their behavior, but I basically told him not to waste his time. I told him that it was a personality thing, and he couldn't change that about him, but I appreciated his offer. I guess I wanted to lay down the foundation to when I do quit...at least my manager won't be totally surprised by my decision. But working with assholes is not the main reason why I want to leave...it is important to me right now that I be able to start a family and the less stress involved the better. Why waste my time trying to work with such people. My manager and I both stated that we feel D-bag is intimidated by me and the fact that given the opportunity I would probably wipe the floor with him...work-wise. I'm supposed to be his "back-up" on a lot of tasks he performs, but he makes no effort to try to teach me how to do such things. It's like he's afraid I'm going to play in his sandbox and expose the fact that he's not all that. Ugh...that's enough about that. There's more I could say, but it just pisses me off, and I've been feeling pretty good today otherwise.
(pause to use the bathroom & get more water)
And I'm back...nothing else really to talk about. I was doing super-awesome on my diet/fitness plan until this past weekend where despite knowing better I threw that down the drain. So now I'm trying to get back on track. It's like...I need something to do constantly on the weekends if I expect not to spend it eating poorly. What else...my husband may have found a handgun he wants to purchase. I know...exciting, right? My sister-in-law's husband is a police officer and is looking to sell one of his old guns, so we'll probably buy it. I want to say it's a "glock" 9mm...and the brother-in-law can also get us enrolled on in a class the police dept. conducts on gun safety and how to use it, so I'm thinking it'll be good to do.
I guess that's enough rambling for now. 20 minutes until lunch...a little over 1 month until we cruise...I can't wait!