Sep 21, 2014 18:22
Well, the title kinda speaks for itself. xD I'm not exactly a fan of diary and I was suppose to write in my journal at least once a month, but I don't have anything exciting much to write.
Oh! But today I might just have. So, last night was Bon Odori bla-bla-bla, dancing with friends, bla-bla, eat, blah, you know the drill. Today was my cousin's wedding. Supposedly the bridesmaid and best man were both my other cousins.But somehow the best man can't make it and things changed. The theme for the bridesmaid and best man was gold/chocolate. The original bridesmaid wore something gold/chocolate, but unfortunately the new best man wasn't informed and he wore blue. And the bride's brother forgot to bring a gold/chocolate clothes for the new best man. So blue it is. But, out of all the female cousins, only my other cousin and i wore blue. Although mine was more to turqoise rather than light blue. Kinda like light blue for jeans? Yeah, that. Being a traditional Malay family, the bride's mother a.k.a my aunt, is quite conservative. My other cousin that wore light blue, I'm not so sure what she wore, it's kinda like the modernize and shorter version of baju kelawar. The baju kelawar was traditionally used as a nightgown, but meh, humans. So it was really see through cuz the material is like light chiffon? And you can see the really low cut tank top she was wearing. It's like wearing a bikini to a wedding, the only difference is she wore songket for the skirt.
So my aunt asked my mom if she can borrow me as the bridesmaid. I said I don't mind. But the problem is the bride wants my other cousin to do it. I was in dilemma. So I just said "I'll follow the bride's request. It's her wedding day.". I don't want to go all pushy and said I have to do it or else I'll get scold or something. I just decided to stay inside the room and missed the show. My other cousin (other bridesmaid candidate) even compared our outfits' colour difference and said she'd suited more. So I was like, I don't mind, it's the bride's choice. After the bride walk down the isle and the ceremony ends (the guest still can come to eat, it's different than english wedding/ western style where the ceremony is followed by the reception), my aunt (Not the bride's mother, but my mom and the bride's younger sister) and my mom came to me, asking what happened and why didn't I go as the bridesmaid. I just said that the bride insisted my cousin go instead, and that my other cousin was like pushy wanna know why, and she start making whatever face, like literally, although I didn't say that. Lol. My mom said my cousin doesn't want me to be like more vogue than her/she felt challenged by me. Cuz like a bridesmaid position is like realllllly important and 'it' cuz you get the photographers all around you. xD *gets piaked cause of all the cuz*
I know some might say I'm stupid for letting the bridesmaid position go, but not like I minded. It was downright hot. This is Malaysia, it's summer all year round and the afternoon temperature can reach up to 40 degree celcius! So thanks, but no thanks. I was damn happy letting it go. Oh and finding a replacement shoes might be hard. I'm not saying that I wore a stupid flip-flop or as we call it selipar. I wore a 4 inches Charles Keith platform peeptoe heels. And being on the slightly taller side of a Malay Asian, I just got taller with that. I'm about 164 cm. In Malaysia, it is considered tall unless you're of Chinese descendants. Most Malays are short, they average at 155 cm. My cousins are pretty much shorter than me. So I kinda eats the scene with my additional height. xD Oh and finding my shoes size isn't gonna be easy either. Asians have small feet, I have Asian men's feet. I can wear my brothers' and dad's shoes. I'm size 10-11 Europe, I think? But yeah, 26.5 cm feet is big for an Asian girl. Oh, and about the felt challanged part, I used to be fat and I didn't know how to be fashionable. But in a way, I've changed. So yeah. Although she's not exactly the type I like to hangout with. I just don't like Barbie girls. I like watching Barbie's fairytale on t.v, I just don't like real life barbie. They seem stupid like 87% of their population.