Old Year Goals

Jan 01, 2014 18:13

So... here are the results of my goals from last year. I'm going to do a separate post for my new year goal!

From last year:

1) Work: Do a good job on this contract, and find a good way to efficiently incorporate as full a work day as possible into my already busy life without sacrificing any family time, and with as little sacrifice of creative time and housekeeping/hygeine time as possible. Wrap the contract swiftly and then have some nice time off for other life goals before starting a new one.

This went pretty well overall, though I had a lot of struggles with making time for work AND parenting AND being the person in charge of housekeeping/finances/cooking/etc kind of stuff AND keeping creatively active. And it didn't wrap swiftly. But work is a thing I do, now, and it seems to be going reasonably well.

2) Finances: Do a bunch of "DUH" things to make sure I am not pissing away money for no reason, if you'll pardon a bit of vulgarity. (Refinancing, updating insurance, boring stuff like that.) Stay on top of paperwork generally.

Refinancing happened, though not all the other stuff I wanted to do. Saving a ton of money long-term on the refi. Have been reasonably good at keeping up to date with paperwork.

3) Writing: Finish Dreamwalkers. Start subbing it to agents.

Yep! Done. Now I just gotta try to make it stick!

4) House: Begin the Great Organization. Make as much progress on it as possible. Purging, organizing, storing, that sort of thing. Because holy cow do we need to do a lot of that.

Sadly, work made this more or less impossible, because it ate up all my time not spent parenting except for about 1 hour of free time between 10-11 PM, which is not a great time for organizational projects. But I feel like I have a better handle on that balance now and am hopeful for the future.

5) Social Life: Start hosting occasional parties again. Organize more hikes and berry picking and stuff. Hang out with any of a number of totally awesome people I know. Be better about getting back to people. Generally try to take advantage of the fact that I know so many incredible people by actually spending time with them. Don't let it take away from time with my equally awesome family.

Hmm. Did some of these things, but not enough. I know some pretty seriously awesome people, and totally need to hang out with many of them more than I currently do.

6) Kid Larp: Run a few sessions for the kids. Squee endlessly. Don't put too much time into it.

Ran one session. Squeeing definitely happened. Didn't put too much time into it. The kids have made it clear that if I don't run them another one in the spring, I'm a dead woman.

7) Personal: Get outside more, dammit! In good weather, make at least brief walks outside daily a real thing. Try to get in an actual mini-hike at least once a week, preferably more. Also, ski at least once this winter, and hopefully teach Maya to ski as well. And swim more in the summer.

Skiing definitely happened! Walking happened for a while when it was mandated by Freya's healing knee, and that was great, but then work made it hard to fit that in and I lapsed. Must get that back in my routine, and also do more mini-hikes... possibly with interested friends, if any.

8) Parenting: Be better about actively arranging playdates for the girls with kids at school, or encouraging them to set up their own playdates. Encourage the kids to take on more responsibilities at home. Do more fun mystery trips to museums and stuff.

Could have done better in the playdate department. Fine on mystery trips. OK on responsibilities, especially towards the end of the year.
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