hey-minna-san... gomen becoz i didnt upload and scan the mag yet....T.T waaaa~ there was inevitable things happen...... i have to delay it.. but tomorrow i'll do the crime... .yay~
i give the screencaps 2nd cm of MAOU>>> ~ohmiya~
i dload the actual vid from
cathalina09.. credit to her
yamete~ ohno... please dunt go to nino... *hehehe...fake sub*
hohoohoho... angry toma... wow~ the background sound very scary.... make u doki2...
ohno??? is that ohno??? yada~ this is not ohcan!!!!!! give me back my ohchan!!!!! u evil maou!!! u possess my ohchan... ohchan~ plez wake up ohchan~
OMG! BLOOD! MAOU~ u evillllllll~ but i heart u....... yeah~ *fangirl mode* lalalala~ want to hold his hands...=)
toma-chan... *speechless*
yeah~ nino as cameo... Cant wait to see nino in this dorama....
the girl soo pretty... ohno dunt falling love with her!.... u already have nino...
i must admit that the girl cho kawaii~ hehehehe...
woaaaaaaaah~ scary........ ohno with evil eyes~ cho kowai~ minna-san runaway....... maou will kill u.....
watashi wa maou desu~ *maou mode* [ got possess by ohno's evil eyes ]
if u want to watch the cm.. i put vid also.... =)
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