Aug 07, 2008 20:54
Interesting session as I finally realized that my pronunciation isn't correct afterall. People! Learn up!
Ringgit = linggit
Diploma = dipoma
Degree = degee
Complete = compete
Program = pogam
Right? = lite?
You = beau
Thousand = thou-and
Because = becuss
Three = thee
Affordable - afflolable
Enroll = en-dough
Register = legister
Together = toge-duh!
Status = state-tus
With = wit
April = Ap-ler
Proceed = poceed
October = o-tiu-ber
Hundred = hunled
Register - degister
Accountancy = accountaling
Different = diffent
Project = pojet
Subscription = subscliption
Fifteen = fee-teen
Provider = po-vi-ler
Principle = pin-siple
Student = stulent
Usually = u-sure-ly