I have learned this place can be difficult to maintain privacy in. And difficult to maintain any semblance of a normal lifestyle. That past 'event' could be something considered quite unique. And perhaps now I should find an appropriate residence.
Mello-kun, Matt-kun, I am relieved you are both doing well, it doesn't appear this place has drastically changed your personalities.
[[ Private // 100% Unhackable ]]
It seems that even those who have attempted to maintain privacy still are a bit hackable. But to point out such things would be dangerous. Perhaps I should find out the names of those who have mentioned being murdered or murdering.
I do not deny, once, that I made a mistake with Yagami-kun, allowing him to get close enough to kill me. However, I did have a hope that he would not be the Kira, even if I knew that there was no other option. Perhaps I can still remedy the faith in me that has been lost -- bright back light to the name L. Mello-kun seemed disappointed at best, and I can not be the one to blame him for that.