Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What is
ulooktasty's biggest flaw? Ano...I have no idea. I'm not even sure I've spoken to him before.
2) What would you do if
jirou_wanders died? Feel sorry for his family but again, I don't know him that well.
3) Do
kendomasters and
luckykohou go to the same school? If they did before, they don't now.
4) What would
psych_shinji give
gaku_nii_chan for his/her birthday? Just about anything
5) How long have you known
dataphysics? Well, I did know him back in junior high but we didn't really keep in touch.
6) What would you do if you found out
clio_erato has a crush on you? I don't know. Especially since Atobe-san's in a relationship now and has been for as long as I've been at this school
7) If
americal_angel and
psych_shinji were siamese twins where would they be joined? Anywhere that would not hamper them and their movements at all.
8) What video game does
justmedesu remind you of? Something fun and cute and random but a lot of fun.
9) Did
rhythmsthething break up with you? No...we've never dated.
10) Is
americal_angel related to you? Not by blood but she's like a sister to me.
11) If
gaku_nii_chan took over the world, who would be happy? I don't know know him too well but I'd guess Cats and certain guys and girls would be happy.
12) What is
zenpersonified's favorite food? He seems to really like tea
13) What rank would
k_ryou have in a giant robot army? I could see Tezuka-sempai leading the robot army if he really wawnted to.
14) Where did you first meet
fallen_in_fear? Hmm...I think I met him a long time ago but I don't remember.
15) What animal should
psych_shinji be combined with? A lolcat!
16) Where was
masa_man born? Wherever he's from?
17) Have you ever dated
zenpersonified? Nope
18) Does
ulooktasty have a big secret? If he does, I don't know it.
19) One quality you find attractive in
kite_md? I don't know Kite-san.
20) Are
k_ryou and
mother4uck3r going steady? No, I'm pretty sure they're not.
21) If
kite_md had a superpower, what would it be? The power to be eternally busy.
22) Do you have
americal_angel's screenname? Yes, why wouldn't I?
23) What would
kite_md do differently in your shoes? I think he would end up being a very different person.
24) What comic book character would
clio_erato be? I could almost see Atobe-san as being like Batman or something.
25) Do you have a crush on
k_tez? No!
26) Is
masa_man dead sexy? If by dead sexy you mean he could be a little dangerous to be around...
27) Do you think
fallen_in_fear is hot? He's not bad looking but then, none of the guys here are that.
28) Is
rhythmsthething an emo? I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if I said yes.
29) Does
rhythmsthething drink? I think he does.
30) Is
blue_eyedtensai athletic? A bit.
Oh, and before I forget, is there anyone who doesn't like chocolate? I'm getting things together for Valentine's Day...