Oh what? NO.

Mar 20, 2009 02:06

No, I didn't watch Supernatural tonight. But a friend decided I needed to have the blow-by-blow. Apparently, their faily race issues are showing again.

WTF, writers.

I know I mentioned it way back when that Supernatural's sketchy race issues are pretty obvious if you're looking for them. Their Black male characters are really only one character type: He thinks that he's doing what's right, but he doesn't have all the information/isn't thinking clearly and is thus doing something wrong-- not just wrong, but being overtly, aggressively and violently wrong, so our White heroes must correct him-- usually fatally.

Let me list:
Gordon Walker: Vampire hunter. Thinks all supernatural beings are entirely evil, thinks he's entirely good for getting rid of them. Ruthless. Aggressively violent. Beaten up several times before getting turned into a vampire and getting beheaded by Sam.

Victor Henriksen: FBI Agent. Thinks the Winchesters are serial killers, leaving their trail of bodies across the country, and he's the good guy for catching them and putting them behind bars. Arrogant and aggressive verbally, if not physically. Humiliated by our heroes before he gets possessed and Sees The Error Of His Ways. Promptly killed by Lilith.

Jake Talley: US Soldier, Demon Baby. Thinks that if he can survive the Yellow-Eyed Demon's schemes, he can keep his family from being killed, and thus, although fucked up, he has to kill Sam for the good of Jake and Jake's family. Shot by Sam.

Isaac: Hunter. Thinks he and his wife can handle demons on their own, and that they are just fine rejecting assistance. Is verbally aggressive on the topic. The demons force him to drink Drano.

URIEL: Thinks that Lucifer was right, and there is no God, and that the right thing to do would be kill off all the angels that don't agree with him. Nearly kills Castiel. Is killed by Anna.

The bolded one is this past episode. It's nice to know Supernatural hasn't given up on it's aggressive RaceFail along with it's usual GenderFail!

In other news, these guys need love:

supernatural, dragon cave

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