Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 11, 2008 14:28

Yuletide prompts are going out as we speak, so time to put up a "Dear Writer" post.

I like pairing-fic (as most of my prompts clearly attest,) but I also adore fics with actual, full-on plot, so I won't mind something plotty (at least one prompt specifically asked for plotty fic-- although preferably with friendship and/or rivalry between some of the requested characters.)

I don't mind angst, but not in huge doses-- I've never particularly been a fan of deathfic unless it had the service of a wider plot, rather than the entire point of the story. Huge, heaping doses of angst have a horrid tendency to make me roll my eyes-- I like my fandom stuff to wear its humor on its sleeve even when there's angst involved. I prefer dry humor, snark, and banter. Similarly, overly romantic schmoop makes me snicker. Try not to be over the top about romances. Honestly, it's all about moderation-- not so much angst that it overwhelms, not so much joking that there is no emotional connection with the characters, not so much romance that there is nothing else to the story.

Not much squicks me-- that isn't an invitation to try, though. BDSM, incest, dub-con, that sort of thing? Pretty much okay in my book. Whatever rating you want to write at is fine. I'll like a plotty, sweet G-rated fic as much as a hardcore dirtybadwrong NC-17, as long as it fits the characters and the plot.

My biggest kink is proper characterization.


Request 1: Lackadaisy

About the only thing I don't want from this is lovey-dovey fic. Mordecai is awesome-- cool, and calm, and kind of aspie. I have a lot of pairings, mostly slash, I'd love to see him in, but even so I can't see him in a relationship that's particularly sweet. Even his former friendship with Viktor appeared to be based on mutual mockery.

There are a lot of things we don't know about Mordecai, and I'd like to see some of those investigated. I don't really care if there are pairings, although porn with Mordecai would not make me unhappy, as long as I learn new things about the character. (That said, introspective, non-plot fic? Not my thing. Third person, plz.)

If you got my assignment because of a different fandom, you should still read Lackadaisy! You can find it here.

Request 2: Avengers and The New Avengers

I'm not really sure if there anything beyond what I said in the prompt that's really needed. Jessica Jones is my favorite recovering alkie momma superhero, and she can tear strips out of Luke with both her tongue and her hands. She also has the man wrapped around her little finger. Luke Cage is best when he's trying to act like he's big and strong and manly and then devolving into happy, starry-eyed love for his wife and kid. It makes me wibble a lot.

References to a possible past relationship to Danny Rand is cool, although I'd prefer it be kept to the sidelines. This is one prompt where I'd rather the main pairing be front and center.

I've had a very strange desire for House of M Avengers fic involving Jessica and Luke, so if you've read HoM Avengers and would like to try your hand at that, it would make me beyond ecstatic.

Also, I am keeping up with New Avengers and Secret Invasion, so if you want to reference current continuity, go right ahead.

Request 3: Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Yeah, this is the one prompt where I'd rather you kept sex WAY out of it. Even Luke's barely 16.

I like most of the characters, but I like Luke, Nico and Percy best, and I like Percy more when he's bouncing off other characters. Luke is amazing because he's trying to hard to be an adult and make his own decisions and he's really just cast adrift. If you've read the fourth book, I'd rather a fic with Luke take place before the coffin thing, unless you can come up with a reason Luke could be off doing some by himself as well as playing host-body. He needs plotty quests of his own.

Nico is absolutely adorable, and he and Percy are making a good team, when Nico can get over himself enough to actually ask Percy for some help. Slashy or friendshippy, I don't care. All I care about is that together they fight crime they make a good team.

I've read all of the books so far, and I'm a bit of a mythology nerd.

Request 4: Nightlife

It's Robin. I love Robin. I love Robin being Robin, a bitchy, snarky, kind of prissy survivor with hidden ~depths~. I like that he doesn't make excuses for who he is, but still has deep wounds because of who he is. And I pair him with pretty much everyone except Niko, oddly enough.

This is the prompt where I might like to see a little bit of dub-con or kink-- not because I think Robin would ever do that to anyone, but because I'd love to see Robin get put on his back for once. (Like I said: Robin/Hob. Robin clearly has some unresolved issues, and I'd love to see what caused them. If it has to do with dubiously consensual sex, even better.) But I'd just like some exploration of his issues, and especially his past.

I'm not sure what you'd do with Robin/Cal, but I love the pairing even though it exists exactly nowhere. Maybe Cal being a little bit rough, or Robin seducing him. Or fighting crime together. I just want to see some banter and snark!

gift giving holidays, fic, yuletide

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