(no subject)

May 19, 2008 14:03

The longer it takes for my cataloging professor to post the grades for our final project, the more freaked out I get. If I don't get at least a B on it, I'm fucked. It's a third of my grade, I've been doing only fair to middling the entire semester, and I'm barely on the edge of a B right now. If I get below an 88 on the project, I'm gonna get a B- and I'll get kicked out of school.

I will also be absolutely FURIOUS if I get below a B. I worked my ass off to do a full draft of the project and sent it to him two weeks before the project deadline for comments. He responded with two sentences, so I honestly have no idea if there are a bunch of minor mistakes that will end up getting me deducted twenty points (it's happened to me in this class.)



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