(no subject)

Feb 18, 2008 13:07

So Yaoicon isn't the weekend directly before BAScon for once, which is nice. (Winchestercon might be though. D:)

Which means Yaoicon looking for panel bids starting now. Last year I realized part of the trouble I've been having with the con is a lack of the intellectualism that used to be inherent-- to wit, there weren't really any panels that were about an actual topic as opposed to a genre or a show (i.e. "Dollfies" or "Naruto"). So I'm poking at some of the panel topics from BAScon and considering bidding those. As well as, of course, re-bidding the Fandom Wank panel that was rejected last year.

Panels I'm thinking of bidding:
Fandom Wank: Your Thoughts on Yaoi
Because fandom is fucking funny. Come join a a panel to discuss (and maybe poke some harmless fun at) fannish absurdities we have known. Do you or someone you know write thirty page meta essays about why fans shouldn't write about Superman and Lex Luthor going at it like Energizer bunnies? Do you hang out on antiyaoi communities for a laugh? Do you like to spend time on Harmonian forums? Do you remember Ms Scribe fondly? Do you remember when his wife was a horse? Come to the panel and live the good life.

Religion in Slash
So many religions have an anti-homosexuality bent and we tend to just gloss over it completely when writing; usually because our characters are secular. How do we engage faith in our writing and deal with some of those problems?
(Panel description written by blueraccoon for BAScon 2007)

One True Pairing
What makes for an OTP? All shows have them, even if you don't like them or write them. Why does one always seem to take precedence?
(Panel Description written by Lady Ra for BAScon 2007)

(Internalized) Misogyny and Yaoi: Why do they seem to go hand in hand?
She dies a horrible death in the first chapter, she can't figure out her husband and his "best friend", or she's found disgusting, too "soft and womanly." She's too much a yamatonadeshiko, a Mary Sue, or she's too tsundere. She's the female character, the wife, the girlfriend, the love interest or any woman who might possibly look at one of the pair with maybe some kind of emotion. Come and discuss the more obvious problematic elements (death/rape) and the smaller more glossed over aspects (the feminization of one of the male partners and correlation between that and his rape or subordinate status in the relationship) of misogyny in the world of slash fan fiction.
(Panel description mostly written by coniraya for BAScon 2007, slightly edited.)

LiveJournal and the Limits of Online Community
Strikethrough and other sketchy LJ moments, fans are more than a little uneasy these days. But is the answer to move to other journal services? What are the overarching concerns for further online interactions between fans that go beyond LiveJournal?
(Panel Description written by ladyjax for BAScon 2007)

Club Denial
Why? Why? Why did HE have to die? How could the writers-producers-show creators be so heartless…and STUPID! Without (fill in the blank) this show is finished. If only there were some way that I could have control of a plot, a storyline, a character arc. That show would be perfect. Thank goodness for Club Denial, where the beloved boyfriend/soulmate/sexpuppy never died (or got married, moved out of town, inexplicably disappeared, or was replaced by another actor). He and his hero live on and on and on in the Wonderful World of Slash, Club Denial edition.
(Panel Description written by R.G. Kinksi for BAScon 2007)

Dollfies Scare Me! Survival strategies for hobbies that eat your brain
Maybe you've been considering buying your first dollfie, or sewing your first cosplay costume. Maybe your BFF just bought a doujinshi and is hooked, or she's working on a fanfic that will blow the internet away. Do you already have six dollfies, twenty seven cosplay costumes and three hundred doujinshi hidden under your bed? Come with us and we'll discuss tips and tricks for surviving hobbies that want to eat your brain.

Poll Screw dollfies, Pinky:st is where it's at

NOTE: Anyone from BAScon whose panel I'm considering blatantly stealing (Lady Ra, R.G. Kinksi, ladyjax, coniraya, blueraccoon) can tell me to "cut it the fuck out", "write your own damn description" or otherwise get annoyed. Alternatively, y'all could give me notes or tips so I don't make a laughingstock of myself.

SECOND NOTE: Anyone going to Yaoicon who thinks these are AWESOME ideas can offer to run them with me. The more the merrier!


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